How to Train Your Team to Share Airtime

Measure and Improve Equal Turn-Taking to Drive Psychological Safety and Team Performance Google’s Aristotle Project studied hundreds of teams over several years. Researchers found that high-performing teams had several elements emphasizing trust, vulnerability, and inclusive communication in team dynamics. But psychological safety was dramatically more important than the others. Psychological safety is being able to…


Practical Fibonacci: The Journey to Predictability-Part II

by Julee Everett Agile transformations, in particular, Scrum, often tout “predictability” as a benefit. This concept is a critical component of success, and I find we don’t spend enough time at the beginning on how to achieve predictable delivery. It mostly comes through practice, but some organizations quit before they achieve success and then blame…


Practical Fibonacci: A Beginner’s Guide to Relative Sizing-Part I

Overview of Agile Estimating Absolute vs. Relative Sizing When more is known than unknown, use absolute estimating. A traditional or Waterfall software development lifecycle includes a long and detailed planning period to define requirements before beginning development. Absolute estimating is the practice of applying an hourly, finite estimate to each requirement. Absolute estimating may seem…

5 Tips for new Agilists

agility training Does your agile coach’s job look like fun? It is! I believe it’s the best career possible in the market today – and the need is growing. Every time I am at an agile event, people reach out to me telling me they want to get into coaching, or evolve into an agile…